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A florist's choice bouquet created in our signature bold and artistic style. The exact colours and flowers used will vary with the seasons but you can choose between a bold & bright or soft pastel colour palette. Expect to see unusual blooms, interesting textures and seasonal favourites in all of our bouquets. Images show examples of previous signature bouquets.


Size guide:

Small - a little posy with a lot of charm!

Medium - our classic sized bouquet

Large - a deluxe, fuller bouquet

XL - bigger & bolder to make a statement

XXL - a real show stopper


The signature bouquet is available as a standard handtied bouquet or in an aqua bubble - we would recommend ordering the aqua option if the recipient may not be able to put the flowers in water soon after delivery. Both options come gift wrapped with paper & ribbon.

Flossea Signature Bouquet

  • Delivery is available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays within the Hastings & St Leonards areas (TN34, TN35, TN37, TN38) for a £5 fee which will be added at checkout. If there is no one available to accept the flowers on delivery, our driver will leave them in the safest place possible. Please order by 1pm for delivery the same day, or indicate your preferred delivery day at checkout. Deliveries will be made any time between 9am and 6pm.

© 2024 by Flossea Flowers Ltd.

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